Brain Battery
Deep Brain Stimulation, also known as a brain battery, is a neurosurgical procedure that involves implanting electrodes into certain brain areas, these electrodes will be connected through wires placed under the skin to a medical device called a neurostimulator, sometimes referred to as a “brain pacemaker”, this latter will be implanted under the skin in the upper chest.
The brain is painlessly stimulated by these electrodes by generating electrical impulses to adjust the chemical imbalances within the brain; and block or change the abnormal brain activity; to treat a certain symptoms & clinical signs of the Parkinson’s disease such as slow movement (bradykinesia), tremors, and the limbs’ stiffness.
The amount of the electrical impulses will be controlled by the neurostimulator.
The best ortopedcy surgeons in Prusamedica
Spine surgery isn’t for everyone. In fact, 90% of patients don’t actually need neck surgery to get back to normal.
If you’ve seen a neck doctor elsewhere who recommends spine surgery, make sure your diagnosis is correct before saying yes or no. Make an appointment with an OrthoIndy spine specialist and find out what’s really going on back there.